Tuesday, October 12, 2010

We Need A Rescue

Right now rescuers are working hard to complete the beginning of the process that will lead to the rescue of miners trapped deep below the ground in Chile. The men who are awaiting the rescue have been underground for 68 days, of which I understand that for the first 18 days they were unsure if they would ever be found. Imagine 18 days trapped inside the dark earth deep beneath its surface, with very little light and limited supplies of food and water. Would you pray then? Would you call to God for a rescue then?

The rescue capsule is being prepared and shortly it is expected to be lowered to save the trapped miners. People all around the world are waiting, watching to see if the men will be saved or if it will be a failed attempt to save these men; men with families, hearts beating; lungs filling with air and exhaling, thoughts in their minds, hopes in their hearts...

The state of mankind is lost. We are like those miners, lost in the dark, wandering and searching for hope. Christ shines His light to us! He offers us hope everlasting! The hope of our rescue with Jesus Christ is secure! Behold, He stands at the door and knocks... Will you let Him in? Will you let Him in to rescue you? His rescue is sure and successful. Come to Christ, don't wait.

Life is Short -- Start fresh each new day

Life is short so what are you doing with your life? Tomorrow could be the last day, the best day, the worst day or perhaps even the first day of something new and suprising, each day being an opportunity to try again and start anew. With each morning sun that rises we receive a new opportunity to choose, to love, to give, to serve or on the other hand to make choices that have little or ill effect on ourselves or others.

Tomorrow is a new day and life is short, what are you doing tomorrow? I want to encourage you to pray and ask the One True God, the Lord Jesus Christ, that He would guide you and lead you and come into your life and help you to see that life is worth living, and that comfort and blessing and love and peace abound when Jesus is leading the way and you are allowing Him that place of leadership in your life.

This week is another new week and life is short, what are you doing this week? Consider what the Lord would have you do this week to seek Him and to reach out to Him for His help, love and salvation, and how He wants to show you His love and salvation. His yoke is easy, His burden is light; go to Christ Jesus and you'll find rest for your souls. It doesn't change the fact that this life is hard -- but when you have the Lord in your life to help you through it makes things much, much better, there is hope for every tomorrow, comfort, peace and true love -- yes, true love. God is love.

Here's a great free website where you can search the Bible and get help and hope for your tomorrows: Bible Gate Way -- I encourage you to read the Bible, get hope and help from the Word of God.